Microsensor Analysis in the Environmental Sciences
Marine Biological Station Rønbjerg, Denmark
April 23 - May 1, 2004


April 23
Arrival to Rønbjerg (not later than 18.00).
General introduction. Get-together dinner/party.

April 24

09.00-09.15 Introduction and general information

09.15-12.00 Niels Peter Revsbech (3 lectures):
"General introduction to microsensors and diffusion"
"Electrochemical oxygen microsensors"
"Microsensors for diffusivity and flow"


14.00-18.00 Michael Kühl (3-4 lectures):
"Measuring oxic respiration and photosynthesis"
"Optical microsensors and microprobes"
"Imaging techniques for measuring solute distribution"


Project definition and planning

April 25
09.00-12.00 Michael Kühl (2 lectures):
"Sulfide microsensors and microsensor studies of S-cycling"
Signe Ingvardsen:"Sulfur and nitrogen metabolism of filamentous sulfur bacteria"


14.00-18.30 Roland Thar (2 lectures):"Microbial motility and behavior studied with imaging and microsensors"
Niels Peter Revsbech (3 lectures):
"Microbial biosensors"
"Microsensor studies of N-cycling"
"Microsensor analysis of soil and rhizosphere"


Project definition and planning.

    April 26-29
    Experimental projects in groups of 3-4 participants. Working hours are undefined, but meals are served on schedule.

    After dinner (during dessert): Participants give a short (max. 20 min.) presentation on their research.

    On April 27 a guest lecture by Nils Riisgaard (DMU) on anaerobic ammonia oxidation will be given in the evening.

    On April 28 we plan a half-day excursion in the morning.

    April 30
    Data analysis and preparation of presentation by each project group.

    Goodbye party.

    May 1
    Presentation of projects
    Evaluation of the course

    Departure after lunch